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How to play chess?

How to play chess Chess consists of sixteen different pieces, each of which can move in a certain direction, so that each piece of these pieces one square, and can not two pieces to stand on the same box, these pieces are: Soldier: One of the most important pieces in this game; each player has eight soldiers, and the soldier can move one movement in a straight way, knowing that the first movement can move in a rectangular forward, and can not go back to the soldier at all, Many people consider that the soldier has no value in this game, but it is very valuable because it is one of the most important pieces in the game, especially that the soldier can be replaced by any piece of pieces except the king when he reaches the last box in the patch. A soldier can defeat the other pieces by falling Move Diagonally instead of straight, and this piece is beside the horse, and each player has two pieces. Minister: The most flexible pieces in the game; it is equivalent to the elephant and the castle community; the minister can move in a straight and diagonal, and there is one piece of each player in the right half beside the right elephant in the patch. King: The piece that determines the win or loss of the player, and this piece can move as minister straight and Qatari, but only one square, and this piece is in the middle left of the patch beside the left elephant, and can not move the king to any box threatened to cut the opponen The game is played by the white player, and each player moves only one movement. The game continues and the game continues until the king is killed. When the king is threatened by any piece of pieces, His King is threatened to move the King into an unquestioning box of the adversary or to sacrifice a piece by placing it in the path of the opponent so that the threat will disappear or defeat the piece that threatens the king. To win the game it is important that the king is threatened with a piece of pieces so that he can not move at all or free him from this threat, and it is possible to get a draw in the game of chess if the role of any player and the king is not at all threatened, Move him any piece of piece.

Nice idea 💡

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